Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Science and Values


Bertrand Russell

Science and Values
                                      QUESTION # 1
            How has science helped us to diminish bad things?

            Bertrand Russell is a philosopher, mathematician and reformer.  Throughout his life he has been working for introduction of scientific attitude in life, for rights of women, for denunciation of war and for the formation of a world government.

            In the present essay, he gives his arguments to make us realize the importance of science, its advantages and disadvantages.  He says that science has totally changed the orientation, tempo and nature of our lives.  He enlists many things that science has conferred upon us to make our life easier.  In his views, science has helped us to diminish certain bad things from the world. 

The first thing that has been curtailed by science is poverty.  In past people did not have anything they were very badly off.  The food and other necessities of life were not provided to them but now the situation has been totally changed.  The scientific development in agriculture and industry has altogether changed the face of life.  Industrialization has helped mankind to control the excessive labour hours and poverty.

            The advent of medicine and medical science is considered to be a great boon for the mankind.  Before the growth of medicines, the death rate was very high in the world.  In 1920 the infant mortality rate in England was 80 per thousand but in 1948 it was reduced to 34 per thousand.  The sum of human suffering has been greatly diminished by the discovery of anesthetics and other medicines.

            The crimes and lawlessness have also been reduced by the science.  The police force, their scientific method of detection, finger prints, telephones, street lights and the psychology of crimes and punishment have helped greatly to reduce the general crime rate specially in Europe. 

            The science has reduced the fanaticism to its lowest level.  The swift communication and transportation have made the world a global village, thus bringing the nations, classes and religions closer together to enhance the tolerance and good will in the world.

            All these things could have been possible only due to the science and its seasonable use.

Q. No. 2:         How has science helped us to flourish the beneficial aspects of life?

            The science has completely changed the life of man on this planet.  It has helped us in many ways.

            The most important advantage of science is the spread of education.  Now almost everyone is educated, at least in Western countries.  The knowledge about the world and life has increased immensely.  Now people can get every type of knowledge through media, books and Internet.
            Science has also increased the opportunities.  The people even from the lower classes can go higher and higher in life with their education and skills.  The industrialization has increased the job opportunities and it gives chances to people to earn their bread as well as to improve their status in life.

            Another thing that science has gifted to mankind is the happiness.  In past, people had no ways of entertainment but now there are thousands of sources created by science and technology to increase the pleasure and amusement in the world.

            Prosperity has been increased.  The health facilities are improved to reduce the human suffering.  So we can say that science is the only factor that has revolutionized our whole existence for the better.

Q. No.3:          What is the relation of science and values?

            Russell points out many ways in which science has helped mankind but in Russell’s views it could have helped mankind even better.  It is the matter of common observation that the negative uses of science have affected us badly and they have diminished the positive works of science almost completely.  Russell thinks about this problem and detects its reason. He thinks that science and the values have not developed at the same pace.  At some places or times the science has developed and at others the values have.  Science regards values as useless and orthodox.  The values regard science as obstinate.  The science and religion have always confronted.  This is the fact that causes the inhuman use of science and destruction of values.

In order to restore this balance he suggests some ways. The first thing that he mentions is the intellectual tamper.  In people, there should be a desire to know the exact reality and they should judge everything according to their own intellect.  There should be an unwillingness to adopt the already existing dogmatic creeds.   One should never be intensely devoted to some belief or idea rather they should be kept tentatively.  There is always a chance of change and improvement in one’s thoughts and beliefs so one should not be ready to kill others or die himself for some cause.  The urge of impartial inquiry should be present in every man to avoid conflicts and wars in the world.

            The priesthood and other such institutions forcibly impose their views on others and hamper the way of free inquiry and judgment.  These doctrines have often badly opposed the scientific developments.  Similar was in the case of anesthetics that were bitterly opposed by orthodox and religious factions of society as an interference with the will of God.

            The lust of power is an inherent desire of mankind and this desire has led mankind to many fierce and brutal wars.  If the wars are controlled, the magnitude of human prosperity could be increased thousand times more than the present one.  Russell says that science can offer the greatest possibilities of well being for the human race.  It offers this on certain conditions such as the abolition of war, even distribution of ultimate power and a strict control over the growth of population.

            In the western industrial countries, the population growth is strictly controlled and it gives a chance to people to live a better life.  Forming a world government can control the wars.  All the countries should unite and make a government that will have a complete control of all the weapons of the world and so will reduce the fear of wars greatly.  The world government can be formed either by negotiations or by the use of force.  Once this government is established the mankind will be introduced to a phase of extreme human welfare and happiness.  This government will help scientists to concentrate on the projects of human comfort and prosperity. Then the money, resources and energy wasted on the weaponization will be diverted to the constructive plans for humanity.  If science and all these values are synthesized, the earth can become a paradise of peace and prosperity.  So we can say that science and values are closely linked and they should be developed in unison.


  1. its so informative, can I have English literature notes of .b.a of pu

    1. You can have them here
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  3. Its fascinating purposeful notes, thank you ,Sir.
